Membership FAQs

When’s the next concert? 
Here’s the winter/spring schedule:

Mondays Jan 6 – Apr 14
7 PM regular rehearsals at Wesley Community Church
Monday February 17 Family Day – NO rehearsal
Saturday April 12 1-3 PM Mini-concerts at Miramichi and Marianhill
Monday April 21 Easter Monday – first rehearsal at concert venue
Friday April 25 “Dress” rehearsal
Sunday April 27 7 PM Spring Concert: “Sing”
Monday May 5 Dinner & AGM

Why is there a membership fee? 
Like all recreational activities, community choirs have dues, and ours are well below average. Running a choir costs a lot! Please see our Support Us page for more details on our finances.

Can I just attend a few rehearsals before I pay my dues? 
Anyone can sit in on a rehearsal, anytime, to see what the choir is like. But if you wish to sing with us that season, we require that you register and pay your dues by the first night. You will not receive a music package until you pay them. However, dues are refundable for 2 weeks on return of music (refund deadline for this session: January 20, 2025 at 9 PM). Follow the instructions on the registration form to make your payment, preferably in advance.

Will I get to keep my music?
No, all music must be returned immediately following the concert, in the condition in which you received it (no pen or highlighting!) Some or all of it may be borrowed or rented.

Is there homework?
Yes! You’ll receive an “assignment”, by email, of music to review each week. We provide samples of each voice part so that even if you can’t read music, you can learn your part at home.

What is the choir’s policy on infections?
Because of the nature of singing – we spit, up to 5 metres! – we require that members stay home if they have any symptoms of illness that could be transmitted through the air.
You are welcome to wear a mask (we have singer’s masks for sale) but they are not required, and are NOT a substitute for staying home if you’re ill.
We record our rehearsals so you can sing along at home if you’re under the weather, and not fall behind.

Can my child join the choir?
Yes, but if your child is under 16, they must be accompanied to all rehearsals and performances by an adult. There are additional fields for a parent or guardian to fill on the registration form of anyone under 18.

If I join, can you ensure my anonymity online? While we can keep your name out of the concert program and off our website, you will be performing in public, and anyone in the choir or audience may take your picture and post it on social media. We also record each concert, and it is sometimes shown on local TV or posted to YouTube. That’s why we ask privacy and media release questions on the registration form.

Which voice part should I choose on the Registration Form?
If you haven’t sung in a choir in a while, try this online test to see your range. If you aren’t sure about the result, come early on the first night and ask for a quick test (this is not an audition, just a way of assuring that you will be comfortable singing your part.)